The Way We Were




Memories…like the corners of my mind…c’mon sing.  You know you want to…

Tonight, I was reminded of a wonderful thing in our lives last year, and somehow it was taken for granted. 

The band Chase is in now, played at a place in Pearland tonight called the Broken Spoke.  Well, I was only going to go for one set and take pics.  I had been at the salon all day and I was super tired.  We had a busy Saturday, which don’t get me wrong.  I am SO THANKFUL for that, especially since it’s dead during the week.  Okay, getting back onto the subject at hand, I just wasn’t in the mood to go but I promised Chase, so I went.  Well…

I’m not gonna say that it was all bad…but…they were not good.  Some songs were so super rough and these are some of the same songs I heard Chase play with Turner Country Band with ease and perfection. 

So, I got there at the end of the first set and just in time for their first break.  You would think that these yahoo’s would come up and introduce themselves.  No.  Not one introduction until they were ready to go on for the second set.  Now, I’m the type of person to sit back and observe.  And I’m not the type to go up to someone and get up all in their business just to introduce myself.  I’m not rude like that.  So, I just waited. 

Two of the band members didn’t even SPEAK to me, which is so rude and one of them had already come over to our house to practice with Chase and then proceeded to get stuck in our ditch (his dumbass move).  So, you would think he’d say hello.  No.  Acted like he had a stick up his butt and didn’t give us the time of day.  Asshole. 

Anyway, when the second set started, I was like, okay…a little better.  And then Troubadour hit and oh my God, did it BOMB!!!!  It was not good.  Nor was Wave on Wave and I was REALLY disappointed.  Which goes to say, when I was listening to Derek sing it, I couldn’t hear him over the other dude who was singing back up and was louder than him.  Such a let down.

So, goes back to my original title…the Way We Were. 


Let’s face it, TCB was the shit!!!!  They were awesome.  Everyone of us, from bandmates to band wives to extended family members, we were a family.  And not only that, when you were at an event with Turner Country, no matter if they weren’t the best that night or if they were, they still put on one hell of a show.  Their music was addictive and the blending of Mike and Lindsay’s vocals with Chase’s and Hunter’s guitar playing, Wes’s drumming and Bart’s bass was just right on.  Well, most of the time, lol.  Their songs were stuck in your brain for a long time after a show and you left a show, satisfied and happy. 


Turner Country Band got so far and I still think it’s a shame that it all went down the way it did.  I’m glad that everyone has moved on but at the same time, you can’t help but be sad about what it could’ve been.  Yes, people screwed up and egos and pride were hurt, but eventually…I hope, one of these days, we can all come back together.  I know it won’t be easy and I know it won’t be for a LONG time, but…hey.  One can hope, right?

So, with saying all this…I really hope that this new band can pull it together and sound decent.  Because at the rate they are going, not even Chase’s playing or Dennis’s drumming is going to help them.  Just my opinion.

2 thoughts on “The Way We Were

  1. Angelle

    Reading this with tears in my eyes. I have to remind Bart with every band practice he comes back from that he just can’t compare them with TCB because NOTHING will ever compare with TCB. And I thought of you all tonight, my band wives and how I miss seeing you guys and being a part of your lives. Bart and I even said next time John and Hunter play at Sportin Woody’s, we want to plan to go just so we can see y’all. Miss y’all and TCB so so much. Still such a loss and a major waste.
    Love you!!

    • I was not a happy person tonight, Angelle. All I kept thinking of was how this was wasted and how disappointed we felt when it was over.

      We definitely all need to get together and have a barbeque or something because we don’t want to lose that connection we had. We love and miss y’all terribly!! And definitely come to one of John & Hunter’s shows!!!!

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