What to do if a celebrity does something to make you lose respect….


READER DISCRETION ADVISED (Contains foul language)

Let’s face it…

Some celebrities do some stupid, retarded stuff.  And it makes you wonder why the you like them in the first place. 

My friend sent me a link to TMZ and what I saw appalled me.  To the point where if you are going to be that much of an attention whore, you don’t deserve my respect.  While I like this “celebrity” still, I just wonder what the hell is going through his brain, being married to someone who just uses you for your celebrity status, money and your notoriety, which let’s face it, pretty much is anyone in Hollyweird.  And then you cater to her by providing this “phony” audition tape and TMZ gets a hold of it.  First off, did you purposely do that to get attention for yourself or did the “footage” get into the wrong hands by mistake?  I seriously would like to know.

While I’m not going to name this person (although two of my friends know who I’m talking about), he knows who he is and I just have to get my rant out.

First off, if you are going to keep the respect of your fans, don’t pull stupid publicity stunts like this.  Second off, obviously she didn’t want you in the video so she could be the glory hog.  Third, you need to drop her ass like a bad habit and have some respect for YOURSELF!!!!  You can do much better.  I don’t know you and I don’t know her but I know what I see and I don’t like it one bit.  Call me judgmental, whatever.  My opinion. 


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