The Julie/Julia Effect


About a month ago, the movie Julie & Julia came on.  The movie is about a girl who takes Julia Child’s cookbook and gave herself one year to master the recipes and wrote a blog about it.

I guess the same can be applied to weight loss.  Each day is a new day, a new chance to workout and change your life.  New day, new recipe.

Well, some days are gonna be better than others.  Some will be great and others will be disasters.

I admire Amy Adams’s character in the movie.  She has a determination, a passion to master the cookbook and try to make every recipe.  She does it because it gives her a new focus for her life.

Again…same thing with weight loss.

My problem is doing the same thing every day and not having that passion, that drive to get healthy.  It’s not so much getting thin, but losing the weight I need to be healthy.

So here it goes….

Day 1….

Started Power 90 Sweat 1-2.  I know this workout inside & out and I love it.  It’s a great beginner’s workout and a good one to get back into a routine.

I will get my body back.  It will be done.  #determination